Below you will find a list of NCDHHS approved facilities which provide basic services such as official substance abuse assessments and Alcohol Drug Education Traffic School (ADETS) courses. Many of these providers also offer short and long term outpatient treatment services. Simply scroll down to either the county where you received your charge or the county in which you reside. There you will find listed the name and phone number of a facility that has been recommended by our firm to provide the services required in your case.

If you are unable to obtain services with the recommended facility for any reason whatsoever, please refer to the NCDHHS website for additional DWI or substance abuse service providers listed by county.

If you are looking for somewhere to get an Ignition Interlock device or Continuous Alcohol Monitoring device, follow this link for a list of providers

Due to COVID-19, your substance abuse assessment and treatment may now be completed online. If you contact a provider who does not offer an online option or if the provider you would like to use does not have any availability, please contact our office and we will connect you with a state certified provider who will provide your assessment and treatment online.


Alamance - Life Changes Counseling (800-776-3022)


Beaufort - Passages Counseling Services (252-975-3111)
Bertie - Recovery Journey Services (252-378-9940)
Bladen - Rouse Counseling & Consulting (910-642-9008)
Brunswick - South Brunswick Counseling (910-454-4040)
Buncombe - Silver Lining Therapy (828-321-8022)
Burke - Archway Counseling (828-475-1804)


Cabarrus - Absolute Advocacy (704-215-4095)
Caldwell - A New Dimension (828-759-2921)
Caswell - Alpha G Community Services (336-694-3550)
Catawba - The Cognitive Connection (828-327-6026)
Chatham - A Better Choice (919-345-5230)
Chowan - Longevity Therapeutic Services (252-791-1130)
Cleveland - Carolina DWI Services (704-419-2186)
Columbus - Rouse Counseling & Consulting (910-642-9008)
Cumberland - Raintree Clinic (910-323-2875)


Davidson - Life Changes Counseling (800-776-3022)
Davie - Davie Assessments & Counseling (336-655-9696)
Durham - Genesis DWI Services (919-321-6643)


Edgecombe - DPOM, LLC. (252-641-5452)


Forsyth - Life Changes Counseling (800-776-3022)
Franklin - Keys to Recovery Counseling (919-435-8164)


Gaston - Absolute Advocacy (704-274-2978)
Granville - Caring Hearts Counseling (919-603-9696)
Guilford - CDM Assessments (336-574-3772)


Halifax - Edwards Assessment (252-535-1070)
Harnett - PRI Counseling Services (910-814-0394)
Haywood - Healing Waters Counseling (828-400-6466)
Henderson - Angel Light (828-319-9094)
Hoke - Raintree Clinic (910-323-2875)
Hyde - Longevity Theraputic Services (252-791-1130)


Iredell - Absolute Advocacy (704-274-2978)


Jackson - Compassionate Healing (828-335-5895)
Johnston - Johnston Counseling Services (919-938-0921)


Lincoln - Carolina DWI Services (980-429-2690)


Madison - Mars Hill Counseling Services (828-319-9094)
Martin - Milestone Innovative Services (252-792-0659)
McDowell - Crossroads Recovery Center (828-659-8626)
Mecklenburg - Absolute Advocacy (704-274-2978)
Montgomery - Tom Sullivan's DWI Services (336-267-1166)


Nash - Urton & Associates (252-451-0000)
New Hanover - DWI Assessments & Counseling (910-796-0963)
Northampton - Edwards Assessment (252-535-1070)


Orange - Fresh Start Counseling (919-260-0629)


Pender - Michelle Sweeney (910-508-9261)
Person - Life Changes Counseling (336-599-5845)
Pitt - East Coast Counseling (252-752-8602), Advent E-Learning (
Polk - Polk County Treatment Services (828-388-0011)


Randolph - Life Changes Counseling (800-776-3022)
Rockingham - Life Changes Counseling (800-776-3022)
Rowan - Absolute Advocacy (704-215-4095)
Rutherford - Woodridge Psychological (828-287-7806)


Surry - Four Directions Counseling (336-786-5855)
Swain - Compassionate Healing (828-335-5895)


Transylvania - Counseling Center of Brevard (828-883-4475)
Tyrrell - Longevity Theraputic Services (252-791-1130)


Union - Absolute Advocacy (704-274-2978)


Vance - Life Changes Counseling (800-776-3022)


Wake - First Step Services (919-833-8899)
Warren - JBH Services Inc (919-451-0072)
Washington - Longevity Theraputic Services (252-791-1130)
Wilkes - Mullins and Mullins Counseling (336-667-2525)
Wilson - Stepping Stones CRI (919-269-9300)


Yadkin - Blue Ridge Counseling (336-677-3991)